Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?
If you’re looking to replace one or more missing teeth, one of the best options available to you is a dental implant. Implants are easily inserted underneath your gum line and into the actual jaw bone. The implant bonds and fuses with the bone over the course of just a few months. From there, the implant is permanent and enables you to have a dental crown placed on top. The procedure is quick and easy, allowing you to regain the confidence that you once had in your smile.
What Exactly is a Dental Implant?
Most dental implants are made out of titanium, which is a surgical-grade metal that is safely used in the human body. The implant post has small holes throughout which allow for full and adequate osseointegration of the bone. Osseointegration simply refers to your bone growing in and around the actual implant, which typically takes just a few months to completely finish. Dental implants offer a lifetime of a permanent restoration that you can rely on to have a full, beautiful smile.
Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?
The dental implant post itself relies on osseointegration to be successful. In order for this process to occur, you need to have solid bone mass in the area where the implant is going to be placed. If there isn’t enough bone in the area, we may recommend a bone graft prior to implant surgery. In some cases, bone disorders and severe bone loss might mean that you’ll need to choose another dental option. If you have a health condition that affects your ability to heal from surgical procedures, this may disqualify you from having a dental implant placed. Prior to any procedure, you’ll come in for a consultation with Dr. Jess Chhokar to ensure that this option is right for you and that you’ll benefit from having an implant placed.
What is the Procedure Like for a Dental Implant?
The procedure itself involves oral surgery to place the actual implant. If only one implant is needed, you can have local anesthetic. However, we may recommend general anesthesia if you’re having multiple implants placed at the same time. The implant is inserted into the bone of the jaw and the gums sutured so that it has time to heal. The implant will bond with the bone over the course of just a few months. Once bonded fully, you’ll come back in for a dental crown to be made and placed on top of the implant. Dental implants are great for most patients and provide them with a durable, lasting restoration.

Most dental implants are made out of titanium, which is a surgical-grade metal that is safely used in the human body. The implant post has small holes throughout which allow for full and adequate osseointegration of the bone.