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Sleep Apnea Treatment

What is Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that affects a person’s breathing while they’re sleeping at night. These small cessations in breathing can harm the person’s health and put them at an increased risk of developing certain medical conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes and even death.

Sleep apnea or snoring may be treated utilizing an oral appliance.  These appliances are known as mandibular advancement devices and their main goal is to promote increased airflow.

Why might you need Sleep Apnea Treatment?

You may require treatment of sleep apnea if you’ve recently had a sleep study and have been diagnosed by a medical doctor. In some cases, a CPAP machine may be required depending on the diagnoses and severity of your condition.

What can you expect during Sleep Apnea Treatment?

If the option of an oral appliance is selected to treat snoring or mild to moderate apnea you will first come in and have a consultation where Dr. Jess Chhokar.  All options will be reviewed.  For an appliance a digital scan will be required of the teeth. After Scanning your teeth measurements for advancing the mandible forward will be taken. Once the device is fabricated you’ll come in to make sure it fits comfortably. Slight adjustments may be required if it isn’t sitting comfortably. It is important that you wear this device nightly so that it can effectively treat your snoring.

If you are interested in Mandibular advancement appliances call our office and our helpful staff members can help answer any of your questions.

All services are performed by a general dentist.

In some cases snoring or sleep apnea may be treated by a dental appliance. Oral devices are easy to wear and many patients say they are a great option to consider along with the CPAP machine.
