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Perio Protect

What is Perio Protect?

Perio Protect is a system of trays that deliver medication deep down into “pockets” or areas of infection present. This procedure is designed to treat periodontal disease while you’re away from the dental office. When you have gingivitis and gum disease, small pockets form around the teeth. These pockets make it easy for bacteria and debris to become lodged and further infect the gums. Perio Protect is an effective tool in promoting healthier gums and teeth.

Why would you need Perio Protect?

You may need or want Perio Protect if you currently have gingivitis or gum disease. The treatment effectively works to deliver professional-quality medication deep into the gingival pockets. You will wear the trays at home for just minutes each day. The trays are custom made for your teeth so that they’re comfortable and easy to wear.

What can be expected with treatment using Perio Protect?

The first step to using Perio Protect is to have custom trays made for your mouth and teeth. This is done by taking impressions or digital scans of the teeth and having the trays created for you in a local dental laboratory. We will give you important instructions on how to use Perio Protect at home. You will need to wear the trays with the medication for just a few minutes each day for them to be effective. It is still important that you come into the office for routine periodontal care if you have gum disease so that we can provide the treatment that is needed along with the help of Perio Protect.

If you’re interested in Perio Protect treatment contact our office and our helpful staff members can help answer any of your questions.

All services are performed by a general dentist.

You may need or want Perio Protect if you currently have gingivitis (gum infection) or periodontitis (bone infection). The treatment effectively works to deliver professional-quality medication deep into the gingival pockets.
