Orthodontics – Myobrace
What is Myobrace?
Myobrace is an orthodontic option that uses no braces or metal gear to help in addressing the underlying causes of crooked and crowded teeth. The removable oral appliance is suitable for children ages 3 to 15 and should be worn for only about 20 minutes a day as well as throughout the night. Myobrace helps to prevent the need for more invasive orthodontic treatment by addressing problems early on.
Why would your child need Myobrace?
Most children will benefit from Myobrace because it helps to address common intraoral problems before they’re allowed to get worse. The goal of the Myobrace system is to focus on proper tongue position, swallowing, breathing through the nose, and lip posture . Poor myofunctional habits can cause poor alignment of the teeth and jaw.
What makes your child a good candidate for Myobrace?
To determine if your child is a good candidate for Myobrace, you’ll need to come in for an exam and consultation. We can help to determine if your child will benefit from this treatment option. Myobrace is suitable for kids ages 3 to 15, who are experiencing poor alignment of teeth and upper and lower jaw position (overbite or underbite). Compliance is an important factor as he appliance is removable and requires parental supervision and acceptance of the child to wear the appliance.
What can be expected with treatment using Myobrace?
First measurements are taken of the child’s mouth and a custom myobrace appliance is ordered. It is important that your child wear the appliance for anywhere from one to two hours throughout the day and all throughout the night. The appliance addresses an array of dental and oral-related problems such as crowding, crookedness as well as nighttime breathing issues. Our goal is to help address these problems before they are allowed to get worse. With the help of Myobrace, may prevent or decrease the time required for orthodontic treatment.
If you’re interested in Myobrace treatment for your child, call our office and our helpful staff members can help answer any of your questions.
All services are performed by a general dentist.
Most children will benefit from Myobrace because it helps to address common intraoral problems before they're allowed to get worse.