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Seadtion Dentistry For Kids

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Laughing gas is a colourless and slightly sweet-tasting gas. It’s been used in dentistry since 1844. When inhaled, it provides mild euphoric results that cause relaxation and a decrease in physical sensations. This way our clients not only lower their anxiety but also feel less discomfort while our dentist performs the procedure. At Langdon Dental, our clients are sedated with a standard blend of laughing gas and normal oxygen gas. This mix of gasses keeps our patients completely conscious and content throughout their dental procedure.

Who do we Recommend Conscious Sedation for? 

Anyone who feels intense anxiety about visiting the dentist can benefit from nitrous oxide. Going to the dentist once a year is the bare minimum care that patients should receive, and if someone struggles to book or keep appointments because of anxiety than they may benefit greatly from conscious sedation. Many parents also find that their children benefit from nitrous oxide. It can be difficult for very young children to sit still and kids with special needs may struggle to stay calm in a dental chair. With all the bright lights, strange smells, and loud noises going on in their mouth, it just makes sense that people (and especially kids!) would feel uncomfortable and nervous. Nitrous oxide is a useful tool and helps kids to sit still and stay calm. Conscious sedation is a service we’re happy to offer all of our clients. We want our patients to feel comfortable going to the dentist.

If you’re interested in sedation treatment contact our office and our helpful staff members can help answer any of your questions.

All services are performed by a general dentist.

Some adults and children may have sever anxiety about going to the dentist. To make their visit more comfortable Laughing gas can be used as a conservative option for sedation.
