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Dental Crowns (Same Day CEREC)

What are Same-Day CEREC Crowns?

Same-day CEREC crowns are designed to cover compromised teeth that have either cracked, broken or fractured. CEREC crowns are made in the same day as your initial visit right in our office. This prevents the need for a temporary crown or having to come back to have the permanent crown placed. The crowns typically are fabricated from a material called Emax or Zirconia.

Why would you need a Same-Day CEREC Crown?

You may need a dental crown if one or more teeth have become compromised. Most often, this occurs when a tooth has cracked, broken or fractured. Patients who have exceptionally large fillings in one or more teeth or those who have recently had a root canal may need a dental crown. Same-day CEREC crowns are durable, lasting and can be done in just one appointment.

What can be expected during the procedure for Same-Day CEREC Crowns?

You will receive local anesthetic to numb the area that will be receiving the CEREC crown. The compromised tooth is prepared by removing 1-2 mm of the tooth structure. Digital impressions are taken and used to create your new crown. This prevents the need for gooey, uncomfortable dental impressions. Using CAD technology the crown is designed in a software and then sent to a milling unit to be fabricated.  The crown is then stained and glazed for esthetics and cemented onto the tooth.  

If you’re interested in our same-day CEREC crowns, call our office so that one of our helpful staff members can better assist you.

All services are performed by a general dentist.

You may need a dental crown if one or more teeth have become compromised. Most often, this occurs when a tooth has cracked, broken or fractured.
